Unique business opportunities
Instabilities and volatilities in global economic and social developments, finance, markets and supply provide increasing pressure on owners and management in both private and public organizations to search for solutions fostering resilience and sustainability growth. Accompanied by Smart Everything everywhere and Artificial intelligence, this demand creates great business opportunities for innovative businesses actvie in ICT, system integrattion, automation, communications, consulting and training in many industrial sectors such as:
- Implementation of new digital transformation solutions integrating Smart Everything
- Advisory and consulting improving performance and sustainability
- Adding new digital transformation content to Entrepreneurship education and training (EET) and Vocational Training
How you can quckly realise new business opportunites and transform it into earnings?
There are numerious systems supporting in business performance management, business analytics, operational dashboards, Big Data and its mining, ERP, Manufacturing and quality assurance and maintenance systems, etc. Almost every enterprise and organization already has some of the systems in place however operating in isolation from each other in silos to support specific tasks. Analysis and prediction of the operational sustainability at the highest management level require holistic vision of the enterprise as a complex system of interlinked systems and new conceptual approach.
PharosN technology provides innovative practical solution and ecosystem based on the concept of the enterprise modeling as complex smart cyber-physical system linked to many other smart systems. Successful experience of the platform implementation and its solid scientific foundation present new long term business opportunities to the knowledge and support partners.
Being more specific our partners can benefit by
- Rapid development of prototypes integrating multiple systems and IoT with own custom applications offering simple holistic view of customer businesses
- Providing continuous upgrading and support to their customers requesting additional features and functionalities, linking to smart everything and IoT
- Developing virtual enterprise models for specific target applications that effectively support specific categories of industrial enterprises and allow rapid custom implementations of similar solutions for different customers (reusable objects)
- Consulting, training, consulting
- Providing effective and attractive fees for their services virtually to any organization
- Using PharosN platform to decreasing overall costs of solution ownership to your customers
- Implementing the applications in quickly and transparently for your customers
Your investment in learning and knowledge capital pays back quickly!
As a Partner you receive the complete free PharosN ecosystem for qucik learning and experimenting. It provides attractive and easy-going opportunity to explore prospective powerful applications for your customers without any costs. Your investments are only the time spent for learning how to set and develop application for your first customer. It pays back multifold as it
- Introduces innovative, powerful, prestigious and open Industry 4.0 generation solutions to your customers
- Allows quick learning and developing important knowledge capital
- Extend your offers to customers making them more innovative, attractive and forward looking
- Facilitate your existing business opportunities and opens the new ones by references and promotions
- Facilitates keeping your contact and financial revenue from your customers interested in quick adding new features and functions
- Intensifies your relations with business communities and increases your revenue by using your own custom models adapted to easy multiple installations for different departments and customers
- Gradually grow your business services adding technical and support personnel.
Becoming a partner you receive
- Own individual operational environment that supports independent and secure access to your personal account area
- Management of your and your customers' subscriptions, preferences and records for your own
- Support in promoting your solutions your customers, offering your prices (reused custom models)
- Direct payments for your services from your customers
- Providing training to your customers based on existing newly appearing portal services
- Certification support
Expected knowledge capital gain timing
15 m - Free access to new platform services for learning and local installation
30 m - Learning basic administrative function in the PharosN engine
1 h - Learning the sample model structure
1 h – Overview model builder instruments (editors, widgets)
6 h – Learning sample enterprise model and its elements
12 h – Learning how to plan and prepare sample enterprise model
25 h – Learning your customer application environment
25 h – Planning and preparing the specifications of the first version of the model for the first customer
12 h – Identification and formal description of optional data sources, model plan adjustment to realities
25 h – Model building, linking to data sources, testing and prototyping
6 h – You model documenting and in-cloud release
Total duration for having the first results: ~ 1 month !