The International Workshop in Vienna “Smart Cities in Practice: Enabling digital transformation”, 31 October 2017.

The International Workshop in Vienna “Smart Cities in Practice: Enabling digital transformation”, 31 October 2017.

Following the success of the first Vienna workshop “Implementing Smart Cities and Towns in Central Europe”, February 12, 2016, ASIDEES and GOLEM IMS GMBH organize new event “Smart Cities in practice” on 31.10.2017.

The event will focus on

  • Analysis of practical achievements of several European mid- and small-size cities in implementation of Smart City concepts related to digital transformation
  • Discussion of results of experimental project Smart Urbana realised 2 major use cases based in digital transformation platform Smart City Monitor in 5 European cities of 5 countries
  • Information about activities of international institutions in standardisation and financing of Smart City developments including new Horizon 2020 calls for projects 2018, Interreg and structural funds.  

The event will provide overview and demonstration of the latest updates of Smart City Monitor (SCM) technology and it applications for metropolitan developments, circular economy and assets management. As unique digital transformation platform it enables holistic vision of sustainability for diverse metropolitan processes in real time integrating big data from large number of IoT.

The information about the event and participation is available by the following link