Horizon Europe, Interreg, ESIF

Our team offers effective advanced contribution and reliable consortiums for the Horizon 2020 and other EU programmes for 2018 as well as other internationally funded Research, Development and Innovation (RDI). The study and prototyping work packages cover design, modelling and piloting intelligent sustainable digital transformation systems and can contribute different call topics such as ICT, SCC, SC5, SwafS, BB, MG, FCH, FOF, IoT, LEIT, SPACE, ENSUF, Smart, Green and integrated transport, CO-CREATION (circular economy, integrated management and governance, big data, measurement and benchmarking), CIRC, Health Programme (human health modelling, measurement, analytics, assessment automation). 

The diversity of the optional project areas result from the underlying novel modelling of real world complex socioeconomic-cyber-physical systems and its linking with smart everything, including IoT, sensors, information systems, robotics. The models running in cloud enable digital transformation of the big data streams into rich set of customized value added data driven information services and controls for target stakeholders using the relevant mobile applications, dashboards, interactive reports and multimodal communications applications. The basic prototype models of Smart City and Smart Enterprise are available online at this portal for as demo samples.

The team participate in projects as a Consortium Partner responsible for relevant work packages and tasks. 

Download the presentation: "Smart City Monitor: The technology enabling digital transformation in Metropolitan and Industrial Areas"