Slide background Smart City Monitor digital service for EU municipalities offers easy, low cost implementation of monitoring and audit of urban processes according with the ISO 37120 standard. Get acquainted with the innovation and offers special conditions for starting use. Get the best offer
Slide background Elevate your city's reputation as a Forward-Thinking Innovation Hub Start now
Slide background Enhancing and enriching the life of Smart Citizens Creating business opportunities and jobs Productivity instruments for Local Administration in Smart Governance Contributing to the collaborative economy Quick implementation of ISO 37120 standard “Indicators of Quality of Life” Your future Smart City

Smart City Monitor

A municipality Digital Twin automatically collecting & transforming big data about urban processes into rich evidence information for citizens, businesses, administrations to let holistic sustainable transparent governance and performance management



City Score Dashboard for Transparency

holistic integrated daily picture of city quality of life, sustainability and performance in compliance with best local practices and international standards

Business opportunities

saving time and costs, providing quick, easy mobile access to city services, its performance and quality, sharing knowledge and resources

Smart Applications for Smart City

introducing AI-driven innovative applications to assist in smart management, effective business performance and community policies

How it works

Whats's new?

Latest updates, news and offers for customers

Pharos AI podcast


We use advanced technologies in all areas of our work. Dive into the world of smart city innovation with an AI-powered podcast.

How it works?

Managing a modern city to ensure high quality of life requires objective information about its processes and results.

Smart City Certification

Launching integrated digital information services proving geoinformation, real time performance and analysis of processes in your city for Quality of Life