Smart City Team

Smart City Team

Your Smart City - Smart Community Team

The Smart City - Community Team in the City, Region or Island supports the implementation and development of the local urban area model with interactive model builder instruments as well as its continuous advancements and adaptation to change caused by the urban area developments. The Team can be set as a part of the Local Administration or in the separate organization under the control of the Local or Regional Administration to ensure local governance policies and community interests. 

The objectives of the team include the following:  

  • Supporting Local Administration in their use of Smart City Monitor functions, simulation of planning decisions, analytics and daily operations
  • Assistance to local businesses in registration of their services for its presenting on the City Map of Life, signing service agreements between the City and the City Service Provider, authorization for owners to manage own objects and present operational performance on the City Map of Life (open/closed, current service content, indicators, video, etc)
  • Registration of the citizens as Smart Citizens interested in use of the Smart City Monitor, participation in the city life, contributing to the events, sharing knowledge and ideas, adding own sensors streams, etc.
  • Collaboration with other city service providers in integration, setting and resolving issues related to data connectors providing information streams from the city data sources to the Smart City Server (databases, sensors, IoT over the cable, WIFI and cellular networks, data quality and verification, etc)  
  • Implementation, testing and monitoring of automatic city controls implemented by the Smart City Server (street lights, energy saving, intelligent transportation capacity, water, safety, etc)
  • Installation of new add on mobile applications and
  • Training of businesses in use of the advanced Smart Monitor Functions enhancing business life and opening new business opportunities
  • Training of citizens in using innovative applications for citizens
  • Technical maintenance of the Smart City Model, relevant hardware, planning of hardware expansion in case of growing demand for services
  • Ensuring Smart City Monitor installation security and protection for uninterruptable operations.

The Smart Community Team shall include specialists from different professional areas. It may start small by implementing initial setup for ISO 37120 model and learning the interactive model builder instruments. Then the Team shall prepare the plan for the city model implementation which takes into consideration key areas and priorities in city planning and development.

Agreements between the City and Local Businesses and Service providers

Upon accumulation of knowledge the Smart Community Team shall assist the Local Administration in preparation of the Legal Agreements for service providers which allow them smart options of presenting their services on the City Map of Life in real time. The terms and conditions including specific service fees to be paid to the City by the service providers shall be defined by the Local administration.

Free prototyping of Smart City concepts for learning, knowledge development and exploring the optional solutions